Sunday, August 9, 2009


              It was before the noon,the sun was still far, from the middle of the sky, it was just above the eastern green hill ,sending its rises to the western hills,the shadows was on the upper parts of the eastern hills ,and the yellow light rises on the front of the palace,also on the eastern part, but from the western side of the palace, a great area of shadows, began as the width of the western part ,and spread along a vast area ,towards the far western side,the smell of the green herbs of the morning, were still in the air,the rosy and violet colors of the autumn flowers, with the light brown rocky road ,and the different degrees of the brown painting color of the house ,composed a natural harmony ,consists of colors , lights and natural perfume .The shout of the dog added to that harmony the sound ,and stole the senses towards his site. It was a little cottage near the first step ,of the ladder of the house, his chain prevented him from ruining far away than a limited area ,his size was small ,but his sound was very loud,.The nature taught us that,the weaker,the smaller are the louder in voice, and the more active in movement .    Mme "C" was on the top of her palace's ladder,she descended the seven steps in an active manner, and walked for about 10 meters, to receive and salute her visitors,the chief ,who was in the kitchen came in. The old "V", the wife of the late guard, came from the behind,.The driver opened the door beside him, salute the lady ,and opened the door for Miss "L",who descended silently for one moment ,and moved quickly towards the lady to salute her, The chief hurried up to help the driver in carrying the baggages,when Miss "L" observed that ,she took her friend to the taxi ,and opened the door to carry her dog,her friend put her hand on his head lightly, lest he felt safe ,and ordered Mme "V' to took him behind with her, lest he became familiar to her dog ,the driver entered with them, because Mme "C' invited him to take his coffee,he was really in need for it , he sat with the chief for some moment and departed.. but Miss "L" and Mme"C" were upstairs ,drinking glasses of fresh juice,speaking to each other in a friendly manner, with a low voice    followed later    Rev. Joseph.

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