Monday, August 17, 2009


               The pastor's daughter looked like her neighbor's son "R", she was decent like him,she remembered how she was waiting any chance ,to find his ball in her garden ,or to meet him with his mother ,at many occasions ,on their way to their home . His mother and his father used to go to the church, and lift him in the church's school ,which always end after the meeting of the church ,the parents of the children ,usually wait for their children, but she used to return  in a hurry to her home . The pretty decent girl, were talking to Miss"L" ,all the time on their way to Mme"C" .  In spite of Miss"L"'s curiosity towards the pastor, she have decided while they were waiting for him ,with Mme"C" and her family , in her mind to know something about the last time , after his marriage and departure for the country ,with his wife, but the girl made her, forget her desire.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            A sound of two dogs was the first sound ,which alert her ,to announce that they have reached , her motherly emotions awakened from his sleeping out of her soul , in spite of she did not marry ,and she could not bear a baby, if she married then, she left the pastor's car,thanked him, but waited the girl ,and catch her left hand by her right hand gently, as if she was her daughter ,and walked after the pastor, to enter the palace, and sat beside the girl in the hall ,with Mme"C''s family .           The feel of loneliness departed Miss"L", she felt that it departed forever, because of the great emotions of love, which exited from her heart,towards the group and the girl..     OH where was the girl ? she left the group and went directly, to a private place ,it was the old swing of Mme "C"'s son, which he was using it, while he was a child .Then she knew, why Mme"C" have invited the pastor with his daughter ,it was clear to her, that the girl used to visit this house with her father many times before.                                                                               Some words of welcoming have been said by Mme"C" ,and her son and his wife,to the pastor and Miss"L", but the pastor completed the welcoming task , by a short speech to welcome Miss "L", in his town ,and invite her to repeat it again, he was behaving with a great love, for his responsibility as a pastor , to welcome every guest, and invite him to the church .     It was pleasant to remember her father, and his pastoral visits to the people, sometimes he took her when she was a child, to visit with him , she remembered ,why he was allowing her to come with him , every time he have taken her with him ,because of the children who were in these houses ,she was playing with these children in the garden of their houses, to let the grown up people thinking ,and talking about their affairs,so the pastors girl did, but without a children mates .     At last ,Miss"L" felt her freedom from the prison, which she has prisoned herself inside its walls ,this prison was the prison of feeling loneliness, which she was the main director of its sad results , she decided to close this prison forever, by letting her good emotions, to flow like a flood to plant the children, of her church, to be a good mother for them ,during her task as a future master in the church's school ;and to open her house for the service of the church, like the house of her father from thirty years ago.      The Love is a kind of fresh sweet wind ,travels from one to another, It looks like the storm of the hate ,which passed from one to his society ,and destroy the whole community , but the love is able to build and establish a heavenly community , due to its heavenly nature, her eyes became as the eyes of a beautiful angel , the angelic scene of her eyes ,made her able to see the truth of her case ,.the love traveled from the heart of Miss"L" ,to the heart of Mme"C" ,who was also felt loneliness lately , to cut the low sounds of the members of the group ,who were busy in many couple whisper talking , to ask the Pastor, "please Reverend, can we invite the churches leaders, with their families, to pass their week end here, every week, to pray together and activate the social task of the church".         The pastor smiled and answered , " it is a great idea if they agreed,and great loving kindness of you, to open your palace for that kind of the church's social activities , but I think that they could not accept it every week , may be a week for the leaders of the church, and another for the new members, etc, but we wish to see Miss"L" with us next week" . .  Miss "L" answered quickly , no, thank you, I have some duties to do, at my house with my church                         and follows    Rev. Joseph

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